Master Plan Priorities:
- The Master Plan's first priority is to add separated paths on the Dark Blue routes (see map below). This addresses current safety issues for the high traffic areas urgent to islanders, and creates safe routes to the schools for children and families, and should should be implemented as soon as possible or the next time Vashon Highway is repaved.
- The Plan's next priority is the creation of a Car Free Zone and Traffic Revision in town (zoom in on map to view). This will help make Vashon town a vibrant community center, and help reduce congestion while growing the island economy and creating local jobs.
- The Plan's third priority is the creation of separated paths on the Light blue routes by the year 2035.
- All roads not marked in blue will have speed limits that allow all road users to safely use the road at the same time, 20 - 25 mph. Traffic calming measures such as speed tables will be installed on roads with heavier traffic to ensure motorists travel at speeds safe for all users by the year 2035.
Zoom in to see more! Click the point markers for photos and details.
Master Plan Guidelines:
- Seperated paths are 10 feet wide, allowing 5 feet of width for each direction of travel with a dotted yellow line between them.
- 40-50mph zones have a two way bike/pedestrian path on one side, separated from traffic by a divider at least 6 feet wide
- In 35mph zones the divider need only be 3 ft. wide
- In 25mph zones the divider may just be a line, curb, or flexible highway side delineators. This is for high traffic areas, such as near town.
- 20 - 25 mph zones may need no separated bike path, auto mobiles can safely use the road with other users at these speeds. Traffic calming measures are installed on all main roads with these speed limits to remove the burden of enforcement from traffic police.
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